Starting over.
Picking up where you left off.
Or not sure where to begin at all.
I literally can hear you all sigh, knowing exactly what I am talking about.
It is always the first step that is hardest. Whether you are starting something new, beginning from scratch again or picking up the pieces of something that was left unfinished. You know you need to complete what you’ve started, so no matter what it is, close your eyes, take a big breath and take that first step.
And once you do that, you step into the unknown which can be scary…but you have something now that you didn’t have before. You have a more advanced updated version of you: more wisdom, more experience, more knowledge. You aren’t really starting from scratch.
Back when I started my independent interior decorating business in the late ’90s, I was newly married and sans children. The internet was just happening and social media hadn’t even been discovered! After a few years of building my business, I decided to take a hiatus to have children and immerse myself in being a mom full time. Now that my kids are older, I am reengaging but on a different platform.
The way business is done today is more technical and digital. I am reminding myself that I am not starting over from nothing. I am building upon the foundation that I started before. A newer, updated, upgraded version of myself and my interior decorating business.
So in that same spirit as I welcome you here to my new website and blog, I am inviting YOU to (re)engage too with your home projects and take that first step to start over, pick up where you left off or start fresh. You aren’t starting from nothing either. Just like me, you are redefining, updating, upgrading. So start again, knowing that you have a framework to build upon.
Don’t be scared…because you can do this just like I can. You can create something that suits the NOW you and use what the THEN you had before to build upon. It’s still you…just a different version of you. It may seem like a mountain to climb or a path too far, but trust in yourself that you have the foundation to take you to the next phase…2.0!